FAQ - Call for Applications for Collaborative Media Projects

Whether you are considering applying or just want to learn more about the call, you can find more information in our calls Q&A section below.
1. Is it possible for an organization to be at the same time a lead organization in one application and a partner for another application, within the same call?
Yes, a media outlet can apply to be a lead applicant in one application and a partner to another one. Both applications can be awarded, if selected by the evaluation committee.
2. We have two project proposals to submit with two different partners. Can we send both?
You can send as many applications as you want, but there will be a maximum of one application selected with the same lead applicant.
3. Can freelance journalists apply, who are not part of a legal entity or any media organization?
No, the freelance journalists cannot apply by themselves. They need to team up with a media organisation in order to apply.
4. Can a media NGO apply as a lead in this grant scheme?
Media NGOs can apply as the lead organization, but the focus of the project needs to be: either the connection of two or more media outlets, or the collaboration of a media outlet with a digital actor/tech company.
5. Can a media NGO collaborate with another NGO that has an impact but is not in the field of media, such as one focused on youth, human rights, etc.?
It is possible but only if the project proposal is related to media networking or digital solutions.
6. Is it allowed the collaboration of a media outlet with the IT sector (Multimedia sector) that operates in a state university and are both in the same country?
Yes, it is allowed, as far as the media outlet is the Lead applicant. Public Universities are not eligible as lead applicants but can be partners in this call.
7. Can the lead applicant be a small business entity?
Yes it can. The legal status can be: non for profit NGO or a business entity, including small businesses and individual entrepreneurs (registered as a commercial entity).
8. Where is indicated the budget division among partners?
You can inform about the budget division on the Application Form. But for this Call, only one budget form needs to be submitted. This budget needs to cover the needs of all partners involved, and reflect them in the budget lines accordingly. The part of the budget that will go to the partner/s can be included under the external services costs. Once the grant is awarded, the funds will be disbursed to the Lead Applicant, and it will be the lead applicant who will pay the partner and cover their costs, i.e as external provider/service.
9. In the budget form, there is column B for staff which refers to "the share of the measures in percentage per month". Can you explain in more detail this column?
The Budget line No. 1 (Staff) refers to Personnel costs of the lead applicant where you enter the Positions of staff to be allocated to certain tasks within the foreseen project. The shares in percent per person should be explicitly entered. Column F contains the gross salary per month and column B the share of the measures in percentage per month.
This means that the potential recipient enters the % amount of the XX staff member participation in the context of the project and that percentage is applied to the amount of the total gross salary. The total eligible amount for each staff member for this project appears in column “G”-Total GIZ Contribution.
10. Can you please explain the budget form and the difference between columns B/D and A/C?
Column “A” refers to the description of the activity foreseen. This column needs to have a brief description of the position, service, work, procurement, etc. to be provided (ex. External expert-in-charge for the organization of work in the working space).
In column “B” the amount of the content described in column “A” needs to be inserted (ex. if you have listed the External expert in charge in column “A” and it is foreseen to have one expert for this activity, the No. “1” is inserted in column “B”. Only in the budget line 1-Staff there is a possibility to insert a % amount for the percentual allocation of permanent staff to project activities).
In column “C” it is needed to insert the “subject” referring to the description in column “A” (ex. If you list an expert in budget line 2., then you insert “person” or “contractor” in column “C”).
Column “D” refers to the number of contracts, units etc. which you list in column “E” (ex. if you list an external expert in budget line 2., and this expert is to be engaged per 1 contract, then you insert the no. 1 in column “D” and “contract” in column “E”).
11. Is there a limit to the budget that can be allocated to equipment or staff?
There are no specific limits regarding the allocation of costs within the budget. It is important to aim for a balance regarding the project purpose i.e., to include needed costs in the Budget that are needed for the successful implementation of the project. The listed % number of proposed staff in budget line 1. should cover the proportion of normal working time spent by the staff on implementing this particular project
12. Is it necessary to have your own contribution to the project proposal?
Yes, but your own contribution does not need to be financial, it can be in kind also. If your contribution is in kind, this must be described within the project proposal.
The information you were looking for is not covered in the Q&A section? Please feel free to contact us anytime via [email protected] and we will come back to you as soon as possible.